Week 4

This week has been interesting and slightly frustrating. I had to start prioritize the graphical assets so we could start getting the important assents into our game.

We got some feedback on our graphical assets, primarly the mirrors used in our game: They needed a redesign. The static and dynamic mirror looked so alike, that the player couldn’t distinguish them apart, which caused some confusion according to our testers. I took the task to redesign the static mirror, as well the receiver.

Reciver Redesign

Reciver Reciver02

By repeating a the overall design process and the general feel, i’ve been able to pump out more assets as a graphical artist.

As a Producer i started to assign task to people, rather then giving them freedom of choice.As previous weeks has shown, many of the important assets hasn’t been done or has taken to much time. Due to this i had to stop some assets and start to removing those that we won’t need in order for the final game to be finished. But by handing out tasks and giving deadlines, the production of the team has increased, which i am proud of.

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